faelanstevie Posté(e) 10 février 2018 Signaler Posté(e) 10 février 2018 Hi, I am looking for opinions/advice on setting up network attached storage (NAS). I have narrowed down my options to either buying the Airport extreme or buying a new router and adding an external hard drive. I like the idea of the Airport extreme but I have 1 hesitation: because the unit will be both my router and storage, I will be stuck with the router for eternity. In other words, because it will function as my main storage, which I will keep for as long as possible, I will not be able to switch out the device as wi-fi technology improves and/or routers gain more functionality. For example, is it possible that the technology will improve beyond 802.11 ac in the future? Please help.Thanks!I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.References:https://www.cnet.com/forums/discussions/nas-airport-extreme-vs-router-usb-storage/Medical Device Animation
Administrators frédogoto Posté(e) 12 février 2018 Administrators Signaler Posté(e) 12 février 2018 sorry : here we talk about astronomy, and we talk french only
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