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QSI Factory Located in Southern Mississippi

QSI cameras are manufactured at our headquarters and manufacturing facility located in southern Mississippi. Southern Mississippi has a wealth of resources to support high tech manufacturing companies because of its proximity to NASA Stennis Space Center and Gulf Coast oil production, including a wide variety of manufacturing support companies and a large pool of trained workers ready and able to help build world-leading products.


Machined Aircraft Grade Aluminum

Most QSI products begin as solid bars and sheets of high grade aluminum. The first step is to cut the raw aluminum into blanks which are then loaded into precision machine tool jigs in Haas CNC mills.


QSI 600 Series Camera Body

Here are three views of the future body of a QSI 600 Series camera at various stages of the machining process. We take pride in producing products that look as good on the inside as they do on the outside!


Precision Manufacturing and Inspection

Many parts, like the camera bodies shown here require multiple machine steps with different tools. Every finished part then goes through a detailed inspection to ensure that all critical measurements and tolerances are met.

Aluminum oxidizes readily in air. Producing a durable, attractive finish requires stripping the natural aluminum oxide (sapphire) and then building up a new controlled layer of aluminum oxide and filling the hexagonal columns with dye to produce a rich and durable anodized coating.


600 Series Main Circuit Boards

Circuit boards receive an incoming inspection and firmware is loaded into the programmable components.

In this image a batch of 600 Series Main Circuit Boards are ready to be moved into Camera Assembly.


Moving into the Clean Room

Following initial inspection of incoming parts, all components are cleaned and enter the cleanroom Camera Assembly facility.

Partially assembled 600 Series bodies can be seen at the left covered with temporary manufacturing covers to prevent any particle contamination inside the camera. Assembled Power Supplies can be seen at the right.


Clean Room Camera Assembly

In this image, the power supply and TEC assembly have been installed in a camera body. The main circuit board seen in front of the partially assembled body is ready to be installed. Completed base camera assemblies can be seen at the back of the table.



Base camera assemblies go through a 24-hour burn-in cycle before proceeding to Final Assembly where a camera body is configured as a specific QSI model.


Seal the CCD Chamber

In Final Assembly, the CCD has been installed and the chamber purged with UHP argon and sealed. The chamber cover window receives a final inspection through a microscope to ensure that no particles have settled onto any optical surfaces. The camera is then configured as a specific model with the mechanical shutter and internal color filter wheel if required.


QSI ResearchSpec™ Profiling

Every camera is then profiled using QSI’s proprietary ResearchSpec™ profiling process, which confirms and documents all key camera specifications, including cooling performance, dark current, linearity, photon transfer analysis, and FFT analysis to ensure the highest possible performance and image quality.


Completed QSI 683wsg-8 Ready for Shipment

Completed cameras then go through a final round of burn-in testing to ensure the highest reliability of all mechanical and electronic components. Camera and their related accessories are then packed in a custom-fit Pelican™ case for the ultimate protection.


Shipping US-built Cameras Around the World

After QSI cameras have passed our rigorous testing and QA procedures, they are packed up for shipping to customers and resellers around the world. QSI cameras are relied on to deliver the highest possible image quality for their demanding imaging applications in more than 40 countries around the world.

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