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Atik One Combo


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salut les gars.

Lors de la réunion d'hier, Frédo à parler de la nouvelle Atik One,

La voici en version combo avec :

- atik One 6.0

- atik Gp Guider

- atik OAG




L'atik One :

Sensor Type: CCD - Sony ICX694

Horizontal Resolution: 2750 pixels

Vertical Resolution: 2200 pixels

Pixel Size: 4.54 µM x 4.54 µM

ADC: 16 bit

Readout Noise: 5e- typical value

Interface: USB 2.0 High Speed, with embedded hub

Power: 12v DC 2A

Maximum Exposure Length: Unlimited

Minimum Exposure Length: 1/1000 s

Cooling: Termoelectric set point with max ΔT=-38°C

Weight: approx. 900 gr

Backfocus: ~27mm

Gros avantage; un port USB pour la caméra de guidage et une alim supplémentraire.


La caméra de guidage est ultra petite :

Sensor Type: Sony ICX445 EXview HAD ii CCD

Horizontal Resolution: 1296 pixels

Vertical Resolution: 964 pixels

Pixel Size: 3.75 µM x 3.75 µM

ADC: 12 bit

Frame rate: 30 fps max

Interface: USB 2.0 High speed

Power: USB powered

Cooling: Passive

Weight: ~80g

Backfocus: ~7mm


The 5 position integrated filter wheel features a mechanical roller for filter location ensuring the highest levels of reproducibility image after image. The filter wheel is natively controlled from our software or has an Ascom driver for 3rd party programs. To make filter changing less of a chore the camera comes with a tool to allow filters to be loaded without opening the camera.

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